He will equip. When He calls you into the Family of God, His Spirit equips you to live as a Child of His.
When He unites two people in marriage He will equip them to love and serve one another by becoming one. He will equip them to love and train their children in His ways.
Yes, he does all this but, (and I have learned to remember that three-lettered word, but), I have to be willing to let Him do a good work in me without getting in the way. It's hard to do sometimes. However, it's all self talk and listening to the Lord. I listen by reading the Word and praying. I can discipline and renew my thinking by applying His Word to my heart and let it take root. It has to be rooted in my willing heart. And because Jesus is an intimate friend I can trust Him to instruct me, He will never require me to do anything that is not for my ultimate good. I have to often remind myself that the way I treat others should be the way I would treat Jesus. Those reminders help me to battle negative thoughts. With His help I can get passed anger, hurt, resentment and bitterness, forgiving myself and others. Of course if I didn't have ugly thoughts I wouldn't know just how unbecoming I can be sometimes.
What has He called you to?
I love your new blog! I'm really looking forward to reading your post and I know that I will be greatly encouraged and enriched by your notables and sentiments! Love you! Sara